This weeks driving question is "
What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning From Randy Pausch?" In this video Mr.Pausch makes his last lecture very humorous. He keeps the audience's attention with his jokes and in this lesson. He tells his own personal stories of lessons he learned. Randy Pausch was discussing his football experience and how it was a learning experience for him stating "Most of what we learn, we learn indirectly." After graduating with his PHD, Randy Pausch started pursuing his dream job at Disney. He did not get the job. He explains how not getting his dream job is like a brick wall and states "Brick walls are there to see how bad you really want something." Do not give up on something you really want. Randy Pausch ended up being a professor at a college. In his classes he uses project based learning. He describes the students first projects were amazing and blew him away. Randy Pausch tells his students "Guys that was pretty good but I know you can do better." I think by him telling his students that they have no boundaries and they enjoyed what they were doing. I will diffidently be using that strategy with my students in the future.
I learned several things in this video such as use personal lessons and make it a learning experience. Try not to set boundaries for students and see what they can do. Help others on your journey to being a teacher. You can even learn new things from your students. Randy Pausch states in his lecture " The best gift an educator can give is to get someone to be self-reflective." I learned also that you can teach students something hard by doing something fun. The students do not even realize they are learning. In order to be an educator you need to be ready to be a lifelong learner. Don't be afraid of feedback. Take the feedback and learn from it.
This picture is of Randy Pausch